Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Aggravating Landlord

Dear Apartment Manager,

Unlike my neighbors, I don't slam doors, have kids who are outside screaming as if they are being murdered from 7AM until well past midnight or play my music so loud that walls shake and small birds are flung from their nests from the sheer vibration. Why, then, do you torment me?

I pay my rent on time (most months EARLY) and in full every month. I pay my utilities on time (most months EARLY ) and in full every month. I only ask for maintenance when the problem is something I absolutely cannot safely repair myself. I am clean, quiet and courteous. I don't have my guests park in resident spots for 2-3 weeks at a time. I don't have a dog that I leave on my porch for 24 hours a day, even when it's cold. (Seriously, I have a neighbor who has a small dog that is left outside all the time and when I walk by in the morning and it's 28 degrees outside I hear the poor little thing whimpering... it breaks my heart).

I have to conjecture that you hate me for reasons I cannot fathom when you send notices that are vague and past due notices when I've never, ever paid late. I know that you have a plethora of absolutely horrid tenants, so why are you treating those who are good like we are something nasty you stepped in and now you want to get us off the bottom of your shoe?

It all makes me so upset that next time you want your rent money, I want to tell you to GoTo Helyn Wayte!

No Love Whatsoever,

Helyn Wayte

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