Monday, December 31, 2012

December (perhaps post-apocalypse)

If you are seeing this post it means that all of the Doomsday people were wrong and the world did not come to an end on 12/21/2012. Or maybe you are an alien sifting through the rubble after the destruction and are happening upon this trying to figure out what the Hell happened to Earth.

At any rate, this post is being written well before the impending apocalypse.... just in case, you know. I'd hate to miss the opportunity just because I was dead.

Not that I actually believe the world is coming to an end, but I like to hedge my bets and make sure that every once in a while I can lock in a "sure thing".

In actuality, though, I know only one thing to be certain... that I will, eventually, end up having to GoTo Helyn Wayte.