Friday, January 22, 2010

Grrrr! Frustrating Freelance Client

Dear Freelance Client,

I know that we do not have a formal agreement and I, therefore, take some of the responsibility for the current situation. However, at some point I believe you will have to admit to being a tad remiss, as well.

You tell me I will get paid when you collect on the billings I should be sending out. Which is all fine and dandy except that the remaining people I am billing are people I've sent bills to for two years now and these people have not responded. Nor have the bills been sent back (meaning that they are apparently getting to the addressee who is choosing to ignore them).

Being pissy with me is not going to get you paid. Please bear in mind that I am not a licensed collection agent and so cannot send letters on your behalf. I can mail bills but I think that we have shown that mailing bills is not getting any action.

Please excuse me if I don't jump at the chance to do more work for you when I know that it will, in essence be "volunteer work" because I'm not going to get paid for it. You can certainly ask me because, honestly, you can GoTo Helyn Wayte.


Your disgruntled freelancer